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Навчання: ми поділимось наявними матеріалами і організуємо навчання для вашої команди
Маркетинг та ліди: ми поділимось наявними маркетинговими матеріалами, а також почнемо ділитись лідами у вашому регіоні
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can the Neuroshop micromarkets operate in outdoor settings?
Neuroshop's micromarkets are primarily designed for indoor use but can be adapted for certain outdoor settings with appropriate shelter and security measures. To learn more about limitations and whether your location fits for outdoor installation - get in touch with our Sales team.
Do the Neuroshop micromarkets have warranty?
Neuroshop's micromarkets come with warranty of 12 months. Certain components (like compressor) come with additional warranty of up to 60 months.
Are Neuroshop micromarkets customizable in terms of product offerings?
Yes, Neuroshop micromarkets offer flexible product assortment, allowing owners to customize product offerings based on customer preferences and location demands.
How does Neuroshop handle technical issues or malfunctions with its micromarkets?
Neuroshop provides technical support and maintenance services, with remote troubleshooting capabilities and on-site assistance for resolving any technical issues.
What kind of energy sources do Neuroshop micromarkets use, and are they energy-efficient?
Neuroshop micromarkets are designed to be energy-efficient, using standard electrical connections. Future models may incorporate sustainable energy sources like solar power.
Can Neuroshop micromarkets be integrated with existing point-of-sale systems?
Neuroshop micromarkets are equipped with versatile POS systems that can be integrated with a range of payment processing platforms for seamless transactions. POS systems that are not currently supported may be integrated for an additional cost.
What is Neuroshop's Production cycle and delivery timing?
Neuroshop's full production cycle is 6-8 weeks. Delivery to most places takes 1 week and is handled by us.
Does Neuroshop offer training for new micromarket operators?
Yes, Neuroshop provides comprehensive training and resources to new operators, covering equipment use, inventory management, and best practices for successful operation.
What countries does Neuroshop deliver to?
Neuroshop delivers to all EU countries, Ukraine, UK and UAE. Delivery to other locations is also possible, but has longer timing (up to 2 months) and depends on order size.
Where are Neuroshop micromarkets produced?
Neuroshop micromakets’ SKD assembly is done in Poland. Fridges and freezers for micromarkets are produced in Ukraine.